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Age Is Only Worth a Number
POM TR. 163696591

Free radical is such a potential trigger to various diseases in human body. Your body needs high levels of antioxidant in order to ward off the destructive effects of free radicals. Antioxidant is able to protect as well as repair damaged cells. Therefore, it is often used in food supplements and has been proven effective to prevent chronic diseases such as cancer or coronary heart disease.

Element+ from LiveWell Global contains high antioxidants which comes from resveratrol. Resveratrol in Element+ is naturally produced from grape seeds and skins. These ingredients are known as phytoalexin which combats bacterial infection by a pathogen (as a fungus). Plenty of researches conducted in several renowned universities such as Harvard University (USA), Imperial College of Science (England), and The University of New South Wales (Australia) have proved the benefits of resveratrol. The researches have shown that resveratrol is an effective agent slowing down the aging process as it provides an ample intake of antioxidants that can prolong the life of human body cells. Moreover, it can also help rejuvenate skin, improve overall health as well as maintain stamina.

Other unique ingredients contained in Element+ include vegetable collagen and a number of selected fruits that are necessary to protect the body from free radicals. This combination is inspired by the innovative science as well as research conducted by medical professionals worldwide. Element+ is a supplement gel that is able to be perfectly absorbed by the human body within 3-15 minutes.

Element+ Benefits

  • Membantu mencegah perubahan sel normal menjadi sel kanker.
  • Membantu mencegah penyakit darah tinggi.
  • Membantu pemulihan penyakit jantung.
  • Membantu meningkatkan stamina.
  • Membantu mencegah gangguan otak.
  • Membantu mengurangi rambut rontok.
  • Membantu menghambat penuaan dini.
  • Sebagai antioksidan alami untuk bantu kesehatan tubuh.
  • Membantu meningkatkan imunitas.


Penelitian dari International Journal of Oncology menunjukkan bahwa senyawa resveratrol yang terdapat dalam kandungan buah bluberry dapat menghambat pertumbuhan sel serta mencegah perkembangbiakan sel kanker tersebut.

Selain itu, dilansir dari, para peneliti dari US Department of Agriculture pernah menguji coba sekelompok hamster yang diberi makan sebuah produk jus blueberry. Hasilnya, hamster tersebut mengalami penurunan kadar kolesterol yang signifikan, dibandingkan tikus yang tidak diberi ekstrak blueberry.

Element+ Certification