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Mulberry Accelerates Wound Healing

16th December 2016
by Eva Erviana

When cooking, perhaps you have experienced getting cuts. Sometimes, if not immediately treated, bacteria could get into your wounds and cause dangerous infection. Therefore, early detection is needed so your wounds will heal quickly and you won't get infection.

The majority of wounds do heal quickly, by all means with proper treatment. However, if it takes a while for your wounds to heal, it may indicate lack of vitamin K in your body. Vitamin K is best known for its role in helping blood clot properly. If you're vitamin K-deficient, your blood clotting process will be disrupted and your wounds will take longer to heal.

Vitamin K deficiency does not only occur to adults but also to infants. To increase vitamin K level in your body, you can eat mulberries. Mulberry fruit comes from Morus Alba Tree. It has a natural sweet taste and looks so much like blackberry. Mulberry is a source of iron, calcium, vitamin A, C, E and of course vitamin K. 

To enjoy the benefits and nutrients of mulberries, look no further and try Element+. Element+ is a healthy drink from LiveWell Global containing five types of berries including mulberry. Regular consumption of Element+ can be the solution to help you increase vitamin K level in your body. Element+ has been registered in Indonesia National Agency of Drug and Food Control (POM TR. 163696591). Get your daily dose of vitamin K with Element+.