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The Blueberry Essence in Element+ Helps Reduce Harmful Cholesterol!

29th April 2017
by Eva Erviana

Element+ from LiveWell Global, containing abundance of berries essence, can be your best alternative to keep you healthy. The blueberry essence in Element+ is highly effective to reduce the cholesterol level in your body. As quoted from, the researchers of US Department of Agriculture have probed a blueberry juice product into hamsters. The result shows a more significant dip of the cholesterol level among the hamsters, compared to the mice which are not given the blueberry extract.

Based on the research, it can be inferred that Blueberry has good potential to reduce LDL cholesterol level in our body. There are actually two kinds of cholesterol; the good cholesterol, in which we call it HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol, and the bad LDL (low Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol. If the level of cholesterol, albeit slightly needed, increases massively, it will somehow block the blood flows and causes heart attack. If the obstruction occurs in the cerebral blood vessels, it may cause stroke.

To prevent the negative effect, we must pay more attention on our daily diets instead. To this extent, consuming Element+ regularly can be a good alternative to constrain the level of LDL cholesterol. Thanks to its simple sachet, the Element+ is absolutely safe to consume as it has been registered under the provision of The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) TR. 163696591 and has passed “Halal” status under the MUI’s certification. Let’s keep up the good diets with Element+!